
The Company has developed and implemented a quality management system that ensures and confirms the ability to constantly improve production.

This system allows to prevent deviations and take into account the client’s requirements for products while complying with national quality standards and current legislation.

The quality control system of ModuleUA meets the requirements of the international standard ISO 9001:2008. This allows to ensure the efficiency and stable operation of the entire production facility.

The Company’ strategy in the field of quality is based on analysis and the desire to realize the expectations and requirements of consumers of metal products. It provides for the constant improvement of the quality level and the expansion of the range of ready metal products against the background of optimizing costs and increasing the environmental friendliness of production due to technical re-equipment and the introduction of the latest technologies.

Our quality policy:
  • Motivation of all employees to control and work on improving the quality of products and development of the Company in general.
  • Implementation of advanced production and management technologies that ensure high efficiency of the Company.
  • Rational use of all organizational, economic and technical resources to achieve high results.
  • Continuous improvement and professional development of the personnel.
  • Reduction of labor intensity and production cost.
  • Continuous provision of environmental safety requirements and culture of production.
The management of the Company undertakes to supply products in accordance with the demands of consumers in optimal terms and of stable quality with high operational characteristics.