Prepainted galvanized steel in coils

ModuleUA produces prepainted cold rolled galvanized steel using the “Coil-coating” technology on the line “FATA”, Italy.

The “Fata” (Italy) line for painting of galvanized steel in coils was commissioned  in 1998.

In 2002 the reconstruction and launch of the line was done with the involvement of specialists from “Siemens” (Germany) and “Stein Heurtey” (France).

“Fata” line is equipped with “Redex” (France) stretching machine, which allows the elimination of the “crescent” and “non-flatness” of the ready product.

The production of prepainted cold rolled galvanized steel in coils is performed under a continuous supervision of representatives of the above listed companies.

Corrugated steel sheet and cut to length sheet

Roll-formed steel sheets with a trapezoidal corrugated shape are produced on forming machines, and intended for use in construction and other industries as roofing and wall cladding material.

Profile-forming machines are used at our facilities for the production of wall and roofing corrugated sheets. Corrugated sheets are manufactured from the own galvanized rolled steel, up to 12 meters long, in accordance with the technical requirements of ТУ У В.2.6-27.3-23365425-629: 2008.

The main characteristics of profile rolling mills (3 units) for production of the sheets ЛП С15, ЛП НС45: